Development prospect and market competition analysis of energy conservation and environmental protection industry in 2022


What is the investment prospect of the energy conservation and environmental protection industry, and what is the market size of the energy conservation and environmental protection industry? The energy conservation and environmental protection industry welcomes new opportunities. According to the "14th Five-Year Plan for Industrial Green Development", by 2025, the output value of my country's green environmental protection industry will reach 11 trillion yuan. At present, all parties are aiming at a new track for green and low-carbon transformation, and large-scale green industry groups are also expected to emerge at an accelerated rate.

Development prospects and market competition analysis of energy conservation and environmental protection industry in 2022

Energy conservation and environmental protection industry refers to the industry that provides material basis and technical support for saving energy resources, developing circular economy, and protecting the ecological environment. It is one of the seven strategic emerging industries that the country is accelerating its cultivation and development. The energy-saving and environmental protection industry involves energy-saving and environmental protection technology equipment, products and services, etc., with a long industrial chain, a large degree of correlation, a strong ability to absorb employment, and an obvious role in stimulating economic growth.

With the improvement of the strategic position of the energy-saving and environmental protection industry, the energy-saving standards are becoming more and more strict, and the "integration", "one-stop" and "multi-field" service needs of energy-consuming units have promoted energy-saving service companies from technology research and development, production and manufacturing, equipment matching, engineering The whole industry chain such as contracting and consulting services is integrated to realize the transformation from a traditional single element to an "integrated "one-stop" comprehensive service.

At present, policies related to efficiency improvement and energy conservation continue to be introduced. Enterprises in the industry will vigorously continue to invest in technology research and development and continuously improve production processes. After a long period of development, enterprises with first-mover advantages and technological advantages will continue to improve their technical strength, A good word-of-mouth image intensifies the reshuffle of the industry and accelerates horizontal integration, thereby increasing industry concentration.

Henan Sansong Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Henan Sansong Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Tel:+86-371-64223289    +86-371-64228398     Mr Wang:+86-15713851800
